Chrip coming ts a our midnight. fallen againft you ? Have ye not read that Scripture, The ) Lord is knowne by the judgement which he executeth , the wicked are fnared in the workes of their oltne hands ? and have ye not been fnared in the works of your owne hands ? have ye not rifen to fall ? have not your: own doings, been your undoing ? and will ye yet go on to plot , confu It , de- figne ? what ? will ye never have done ? well then , go on, confult, plot , devife , affociate, confederate together , try the conclufton worke to the utmoft ; yet know, that when ye have done all , and as you thinke have the better, and all pit is your owne , then will Chrift come upon you at midnight ; in an houre and time, when ye do leaft exped him , and it will be a darker night then ever yet you faw for our Lord, and Saviour Chrift, he doth come as at the call , fo now in thefe his precedaneous comings , ftill at midnight, he doth come at midnight. Be wife now therefore, 0 ye Princes , Nohles , Rulers, Judges , Gentlemen, and others : Kiffe the Son, left ye perifh in the way, for Chrift is upon his way unto his Kingdome. Secondly, This Do6trine looks wifhly upon fuchas Chrift 2. fiu comes for. Why fhould any of Gods people defpaire or be difcouraged , faying , Chrift is now gone, and will never come againe, he hathhid himlelf, and I (hall never fee his face againe ; Nay, but he comes at midnight, that is his time, a time wherein he is leaft expeccted, a darke time, the darkeft time , the fleepieft time, the coldeft time , a time when all yourcandles are out, and comfoits out , when you can- not fee your hand , your workinghand , your praying hand, when you fay all is gone and loft , and I (hall never fee the light againe, comfort again , then doth Chrift fay,this is my time , it is now darke , and night, and midnight with my fervant , now will I go and comfort,and deliver him : why thould any godly man be difcouraged , what ever his conditionbe ? (hall Chrift come at midnight , and (hall I be difcouraged becaufe I am in the darke? 0my fouleoemember this , Chrift comes at midnight , in all his comings (till he doth come at midnight. And that this is thrifts conftant C 3 courfe