14 Chrifis coming U at our midnight. Nec fiver blendu m rebus fic, icntibb net dclpe randatu adveiLis. courfe with all his people, fee what is laid in the 6. of Hofea, verfe 3. Tien fballwe know if wefollow on to knob the Lord, his gqingforth L. prepared its the morning, and he 'ball come unto us its the ?wine , a,s the latter and former mine unto the earth. Oh I but I am a poore ignorant creature , don't know or un- derftand the mind,and will of God in thefe aelions,and tram- klions of things abroad. Be it fo,yet(fayes the Lord) you (hall know him,ifyou follow onto know hinn.0111 but I am in a fad and a darke condition,benighted with fome afilic`tion.Be it fo, Chrift will come,and he w 11 come as the morning;as lure and certain as the morning comes,fo will Chrift come;and though it be a darke night,yet you fay,certainly morningwill come a- gaine; fo confident may you be of Chrifts coming; for (faith the text ) he will -come as the morning : that is , certainly. Oh! but 1 fhall faint in the meane while, he will flay long ere he comes : Nay , but he will come in feafon , as the former , and as the latter raine ; the former and the latter raine come in their feafons ; fo will Chrift do, and there- withall your comforts be all revived and refrefhed ; why fhould then anyof Gods peoplebe difcouraged? But fuppofe that the Lord jefus do comfortably appear to us in a darke condition,w hen we looknot for him,as now he hath done to this Kingdome: What is our duty that doth flow from hence ? Firrt , If Jefus Chrifl hath appeared to you in the darke, and come toyou even at midnight ; then truft in the Lord for ever ; and againe I fay truft in the Lord , trull in the Lord at all times. Here is one night over, but anothernight will come ( 1 feare ) and it may prove a darker night ; night and day have their courfes. But does Chrift come at midnight ? why then fhould we not truft in God at midnight, in the darkeft time ? e.ft what time I am afraid (fayes the Pfalmift) Iwill troll. in the Lord Faith moves Chrift for to come the fooner And therefore ( fayes the Apoftle ) Looking for , and haffening the coming of the Lord. You reade it in the English, haflening unto ; but according to the Greek, the words may better be read thus, looking for, and haftening the