....... Chrigs coming c at our midnight. 5 the coming of the Lord. Our very looking for his coming , 0-7rivAr- doth batten his coming. Faith mitigates our calamities, Tc4 afts CncLV. and holds the hands of our enemies. I have read in the life ^r Pet. of Tindall , that he being in the Low-countreyes , heard of a certain e Jugling Conjurer, that could by his conjuring com- mand a difh of meate from any Princes table in the world whichhe did ufe to do, and would ordinarily invite his friends untodinner : Whereupon Matter Tindall refolved , that he would go fee this ad, but would fet himfelfe to beleeve the contrary; which he did; & the company being come together, and the Conjurer indeavouring the fame , was fo hind red by the faith of Mailer T , that he cried out and faid , Fideartra I cannot do it , there fits the man that hinders me, and holds. tus,drifici- my hands. I fay , faith will hold the hands of wicked and Iii qui xq, devilifh men ; fuch too many we have toBeale with in thefe potatt times : Oh I that youwould ufe your faith 'Tore and more. And have ye not ground enough for it ? Chrift comes at mid- night; why fhouldyou not beleeve what ever your condition be, although it be never fo darke ? Secondly , If Chrift come at midnight , then why thou'd 2 `oty. thole who are imployed for Chrift , be fhaken, or unfetled in his worke and fervice ? We many times leave Gods work, and arenot conftant in it becaufe of oppofition , which doth make us fear: But will Chrift come and own us , and come in a time whenwe looke not for him , in the darkeft time ? thenwhy fhould not men go on with all conftancy, even in their darkeft feares? Lu- ther relates a story of Auffins mother , ( which alfo 4tiftin doth mention) who was much troubled for her fon e"foflin, becaufe that for the fpace offeven.or nine years ,he had been a Manichee;fhe prayed & continued praying for him; at the laft in the night,fhe had as a word fromGod in anfwer toher pray- er,thefe words, alis to,talit s thou,fo he. Whereupon the was much refrefbed, and told him,fhe had received a pro- wife from theLord that he fhould be converted from his error; but he told her the meaning of the words was contrary, that the fhould be as he was, that is, converted to his opi- nion