Clorilis coming is at our midnight. I your battels for thefe many years ; and I mull needs fay, that of late our divifions and fins have been fo great, that I feared they would even drive Chrift out of the field : but now I fee (till hedoth own your caufe, and own your forces, (till he doth keepe the field ; yea , and goes on marching, as if he were refolved not to leave the field , till he hathcon. quered all this Kingdome with his love ; and he hath now given you a tafte of his intentions and love in this vidory, , a feafonable victory , a wonderful! victory , unexpected vidory, , a midnight vidory ; Oh ! thou onder-working God ! (hall we not now praife thy name ? We reade of a great ftraight and darke condition that 7ehofaphat was in by reafon of his enemies; but he crying unto the Lord , the I Lordheard and delivered him and his people : in fo much as' they kept a dayof thankfgiving in the open fields , and they called the name ofthe place Berachah, thevalley of bleffing. 2 Chron. 20. 26. In yoAasa's time the people of Ifrael were in a .great ftraight , by reafon of the eAmalekites , who came upon them when they were weake ; but the Lord fought for his people, (mote their enemies, and they were quite deftroyed; whereupon /from/ made an Altar , and called it ?ehovah-nifJ7, The Lord my fhield. In Samuels time again, they were in a great &lilac by reafon of their enemies ' but they cried to the Lord , and he delivered them , and deftroyed all their enemies : then they let up a (tone, and called it , Eben-ezer, The ftoneof help , faying , Hitherunto the Lord hath holpen u.s. Afterwards againe , they were brought very low into a very darke eftate fould into the hands of their enemies but the Lord railed them up Saviours , 'Deborah and Barak, and delivered them from all their enemies ; and then they penned a Pfalme of praife the 5, of judges, wherein they do afcribe and give the glory of all untoGod himfelf; what- in they make an honourable mention of the inftruments which God uled; they did not revile the inftruments, but ho- noured them ; wherein they condemned and curled thofe that would not go forth to help the Lord ; curfe ye Merat : D wherein