z 8 J thrifts coming is ort our midnight. Wherein they commended the Tribes and Countreyes who I came forth and willingly ofted themfelves unto the fervice of the Lord ; wherein they prayed againft the enemies of the Church : And then marke the Vine (at the laft verfe) And the Land hod reft forty yeares. And filch an iffue , not onely forty yeares, but many times forty yeares reft, may you have as an iffue of the praifes of this day. But yet obferve,ftill force monument ofpraife was erdied; fometimes a Bone, fometimes an Altar , alvvayes one monu- ment or otherof praife,And have we no Altar?no flonenow? no name of God to celebrate now ? no prefent of thank- fulneffe to bring to our God this day ? is there no aft of mercy to be fhowne ? none of Chrifts friends to be relieved? (hall we make no progrefie ? (hall we Rand Rill ? doe no- thing? as men in a maze ? fhall we make no improvement of this deliverance and vit5tory ? why fhould we not all fit down under our relations, and fay, How (hall I make im- provement of this mercy? what (hall I do now for God and Chrift that I did not before ? Is there nothing in your hand ? what ? no prefent to be given to Chrift ? have we nothing at all?then let us bring the fence ofour own Nothing; for the more humbleye are after viaories,the more thankfull for vidories. And ifye have no prefent inyour hand this day Ima oc to bring unto God for this vielory , yet bring the victory it x- faris g red- felfe, andgive it to God. Ye give to Cefar the things that datur cat- are Cefars : why ? becaufe his image is upon them ; and hath cari,hriagn not this victory much of the image of God upon it ? When Dei redda 'David was delivered from his enemies, we reade in the turDeo. 116. Pfalme , that he checks himfelfe for his former un- ugua, beliefe, lPaid in nay hafle , &c. and gathers uphirnielf into n God againe ; Returne unto thy refit 0myfault,. When deli. In ,ngenu, vered from his enemies , as-we reade in the. / 18. Pfalrne , he is.Ar.Mo z founds a retrate from man 0 my foule , truft not in tan. fic Princes , not in man, nor in the fons of men, truft not in ar. Pnofal Princes. The word in the Hebrew is, Ingenuous men, for pafrion. Princes thould be ingenuous; and if any men are to be trafted to,