Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrif1s coming .is at our midnight. to, they are ingenuous men; but being delivered frommen, he retreates from men, and fayes , 0 my foule, truft not in men, nor inthe ions of men, not in Princes, not in ingenuous men. Yea , and in that Pfalme , hecals upon others alfo for to praife the Lord ; and fo let us do inhis words 0give thanks unto the Lord , for he is good , fcr his mercy enduresfor ever He flilleth the rage of thefea , andthe tumults of thepeople, for his mercy enduresfor ever. Who hath owned your caufe again, and your forces again, for his mercy endures for ever; who bath remembred you in your low condition, for his mercy endures for ever ; and bath vitited us with his love at midnight, for his mercy enduresfor ever : 0give thank! unto the God of Gods , for his mercy endures for ever. Traife the Lord. If Chrift come at midnight , then me thinkes his per- fonall coming is not farre off. I cannot fay it is midnight in that refped , but furely it is very late , it is very darke, and it hathbeen darke a great while. We reade of two forts of fignes,whichgo before the coming of Jefus Chrift : Some that are more remote and trarifietit , force that are more immediate and juft at his coming. Thole that are more immediate and juft at his coming, ye reade of in the 24. of Matth. verf. 29, 3o. Immediately after the tribu- lation of thofe clayes 'hall the fianne be darkened, andthe moone fhall not give her light, and theflarres fhallfallfrom Heaven , and the powers of the Heavens fhall befhaken , and thenJZall appear thefigne of the Sonne of man in Heaven; and then fhall all the tribes of the earth mourne , and they fhall fee the Sonne of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory. Thefe are yet to come. But thofe that are more re- mote , all feeme to be paft already. Before the comingof Chrift ( fayes the Apoftle ) the man of fin fhall be revealed :; that is paft. Before thecoming of Chrift, there fhallfalfe Prophets arife , and fay, I am Chrift, and another I am Chrift ; that is paft. Before the perfonall coming of Chrift, there than be warres and rumours of warres ; this is paft, D 2 And