Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

20 I Chrifts coming is at our midnight. E. And before that day, there (hall be great divifions , even in the matter of Religion ; one faying , Loe here is Chrift , and another , Loe there is Chrifi ; this is already. And imme- diately before, and at his coming , men (hall be fmiting their fellow fervants , eating and drinking with the drunken; this is already. The wifeand the foolifh Virgins, ffiall be all afleepe;and was there ever a time,when both wife and foolifh were more afleepe then now? when men let themfelves to fleepe , they draw their curtaines , put out their lights, and will have no more light come in ; fo now. When men are afleepe , their fenfes are bound up that were open before , they fee not , heare not , tafle not , fmell not; their fenfes are lock't up, Sleep is, Ligatio fenfussm. And was there ever timewhen mens fenfes were more bound up that were formerly exercifed , then now ? are there not Tome" that would pray,and heare,and reade,that will not now:Who have now throwne off all duties , ordinances, and meanes ? Oh ! what fleeping is here e was there ever fuch fleeping a- mong profeffors as now there is ? if ever wife and foolifn virgins were afleepe , they feeme to be in our dayes; and (hall we fleep alfo ? will ye not rather watch and pray? watch and pray, pray and watch ; and what I fay to one , I fay to all w4tch and pray , leafy ye enter into tempta- tion Takebut two or three wakening obfervations from this Parable. Firfl , If ye looke into this parable , yemay obferve a moil clefperatefleepe is to come upon all profeffors, immediately before the coming , the great coming of Chriff. I call that defperatefleepe which is univetfall ; this Parable fals upon the Churches.; ihen fhallthelCingdome of Heaven, (not the Kingclome of the world ) like to ten Virgins ; and thole ten fhall be all afleepe , good and bad. And fayes our Saviour in another place Neverthelejje, when thefon of man comes , he find Faith on earth ? Againe, I call that a defperatefleepe , which (hall be in the face of light. Its an hard thing to fleepe, whilft a candle is held unto ones eyes;