Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Clorifts comingU at our midnight. eyes ; and in the time before Chrift comes, much light and truth fhall breake out , as Antichrithan errour goes off; and yet, even then, good and bad (hall fall affeepe. I call that defperate , ( againe ) which !hall be in the mica of trouble. Its an hard thing for a man to fleepe when he is pincht and thicken ; in the times before Chrift and when he comes, men (hall be fmiting their fellow fervants ; and yet , even the fmitten (hall be afleepe. Oh ! what tie- fperate fleeping times (hall the latter times be ! have we not all caufe then for to watch and pray? Againe fecondly , If ye looke into this Scriptureor Pa. rable , ye find that thofe who fall afleepe immediately before the coming of Chrift, (hall never wake again till Chrift come. And they all (lept ( fayes the text of the ten Virgins ) and waked not till the Bridegroome came. Now if a manbe very fleepy,and you come tohim,and fay, Sir,take heed offleeping,for ifyou do fall afleepe,you will ne- ver wake again,will henot take heedof fleeping? thus it (hall be with the fleepers of this latter time ; at other times men fhall fleepe and wake , and wake and fleepe; but if men fall afleepe,into akfpirituall fleepe immediately before the coming of Jefus Chrift , they (hall fleepe till he comes, and (hall be wake't no more but by his coining : Oh ! Lord , who would not watch and pray , leaft he enter into tempta- tior0 Thirdly, If ye obferve this Parable , ye (hall finde , that 3. thereare two forts of fleepers, and accordingly two events of theirfleeping. Some flept (as the wife Virgins ) but did keep their oyle , their oyle not fpent ; thefe whew the, Bridegroome came, entred with him into his joy ` ' Others there are that fleepe , 'and have fpent their'oyle ; had oyle, but fpent it : and thefe when 'the Bridegroome cometh , are (hut out; and though they call , Lord open He anfvvers , I &you, ye not. So noW in the latter dayes , there (hall be two forts of profeffors one that (hall ileepe and (lumber , but they {hall keepe their graces , their D 3 oyle