Chris coming as at our midnight. oyie, their principles; and thefe,though theybe found afleepe when Chrift comes, Chrift will pardon,and their Beeping , oe- caufethey have Rill their oyle. Others there alai I be, who (hall not only fall afleepe, but they (hall lofe their principles: True, I thought indeed , that a man was bound for to keep the fabbath , to live arid- ly, and to make a confcience of every word and thought; but now I fee there is more liberty ; thus they (hall lofe their principles, their oyle, their judgements : thele poore foules (hall never wake againe ; and when Chrift comes, though they cry to him for mercy, they will not obtaine it : No, ye have loft your principles , your oyle, your judgements ; ye are foolifh Virgins , ye (hall never enter into my joy, he will then fay. Who would not then watch and pray ? what I fay to you, I fpeakunto my ownfoule, and to every perfon here prefent, Oh ! let us all watch; for the Son of man comes, and he comes at midnight; and if it be not midnight now, yet it is late already. And feeing all thefe things are fo , give me leaveHonour- able and Beloved , to leave anexhortation with you, which is noother, then that which the Pfalmift prefents unto ye in the 24. Pfalme. Lift up your heads 0ye gates, and be lift up ye everlafting doores , and the King ofglory fhall come in. Gates (ye know ) are the place where the Magilirate fate : The Temple doore was called the Everlaftingdoore;inoppofition to the doore of the Tabernacle which was to continue but a little time : The Pfalmift fpeakes here of Chrifts Kingdome and Lordihip on earth , verfe I. The earth is the Lords, and thefulnele thereof, the worldand they that dwelltherein. Then he will have a Church and a precious people : WhoJhall afcend unto the hill of the Lord ? who fhall itand on his holy place ? verfe the 3. Which he anfwers in the general!: He that bath cleanhands and a pure heart. And more particularly at the 6. verfe This is the Generation of them that fie kt,? him , that feeke: thy face even Jacob. The Children of Ifrael had twonames ; fometimes they werecalled lfrael , when they were in a more flourifhing and along