Chrigs coming is at our midnight, ftrong condition : fometimes they were in a low and weake condition and then they were called acob; Feare not 0 Worm Jacob. Now fayes the Pfalmift here , The earth is the Lords , and (14 fhall raigne , and the poore 4ifed frael , who now are in low condition , and therefore called Jacob , fhall be converted , and afieldunto the hill of god. Now therefore my advice and counfell unto you,is,That as the Lord Jefus {hall make any approach unto your Townes, Ci- ties , Kingdomes , Churches , you would receive him , and not- fhut your gates and doores againft him but 0 at! ye Cities, Townes and Magiftrates, lift up your heads, lift up your heads 0ye gates , and all you Temple-men , and Churches, lift upyour everlafting doores, that this King of glory maycome in. And ifye aske who it is ? It is the Lord limns and mighty, the Lord mighty in battel; wherefore lift up your heads. And becaufe this exhortation is of great confequence, and men are flow to receive it, I exhort you to it agatne , at the 9. verfe, Lift upyour heads Oyegates, even lift them/Tye everlaftingdoores,and theKingofglory_Mall come in. Now the Lord grant, that we may all fo lift up our beadsandgates , that this Kingof glorymay come in among us, not as a judge to condemne us, but as our 13ridegroome to love us.