46 7begreat Gofpel-Myftery ofthe Saints comfort andholinej?: down. Now the'Lord Jelin Chrift ,he is our High-Prieft; and he isnowexalted, he is gone to Heaven : and therefore all the comforts of all the Relations that he ftands in to- wardsus, do now fall upon us. And therefore, he is wil- ling, he is very willing, becaufe this is thework of his Re- lation. And further, it is the wokof his Office. What a man does by ofFoe, that he does willingly ; what a man doesby office, he does induftrioufly, he does not do it by the bye : whata man does by office, he does it readily ; according unto a mans place, or office, fowill hisinterpretation be. Suppofe now a Child that hathvery good parts, come be- fore three men, ofthree feveral profeffions ; A Lawyer, a A/Unifier, and a Merchant. The Child having very good parts ; the Merchant faies, He will make a very good Mer- chant: theLawyer faies, He will make a very goodLaw- yer : and theMinder faies, He wil makea very good Scho- lar : according to their three Relations,or Places, or Of , or work , their interpretation is. Sonow, if three men', of three feveral Trades,. whofe work lies about wood, come and behold a fine green-tree : One man faies, It is good for this : And another faies, It is good for that : and the third faies, It is good for another ufe: according to his Place, and Calling, will his interpretation be. So now, when a poor foul comes before God : Mofes (the law) looks upon him : And the Devil looks upon him : And lefus thrift looks upon him : The work ofthe Law, is to Condemn ; Thework ofthe Devil, toAccufe ; And the work of lefus Chriff, is to Intercede, it is theworkof his office. Now therefore, affoon as theDevil fees fuch a foul, Oh (faieshe) here's a fine infirument for me, here's a fit fubjea for me to injoy. Affoon as Mofes fees this man, Here's a finefubjea for me to condemneunto all Eternity. Put when lefus Chrift looks upon fuch a foul,faies he,Heres a file foul for me to Pave unto all Eternity, to intercede for : why becaufe it is his Office, and'-what a mendoes by office, he interprets accordingly. Therefotewhat the Lord