40.44.-4.4v6-1144k4444k144-4-ILI,'itiutttlk-4-4 THE ... S " AINTS m. .t , 0.- 4HI DING- AC ERPLs' "4, ,.E. In the timeof B. .4t, 1 Gods Anger. tt., q 4,9 Ei° 4lif Prefented in a Sermon to theRight Ho- ' 441 norable the Houfe of Lords affembled in 4zi Parliament, in the Abby-Church at Wefrin- fler, oaober 28. 1646. the foie= 4 clay of their MonthlyF A S T. 4 t WILLIAM BRIDGE, fometime Fellow Emanuel Colledge in camb?idge, now Prea- cher of Gods Word at Yarmouth. t4ti ".-11 ott: AwilrAlw4.41 London, Printed for Peter Cole, andare to be fold at theSign tet 4T pas, of the Printing-Prefire in Cornhill neer the Royall 444 Exchange. 647. 11444,15144444+444+144.44.444t.t44.444+1414.-4+