4,400.04.0.14414.0.0. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORDS Affembled in PA RLLA,MENT. Right Honorable, Ccording toyourcommandIhavepublaedthefeNotes; Whichl humbly prefent toyour Lord,lhips. They were once in your ear,they are noW inyour eye, the Lord e- ver keep them inyour hearts. They lead to hiding love in the day ofGods Anger, and tellyourHonours where bis hidingplaces are; andtheugh its better to have noftorme,then the the belt Harbor; yet ifit(hallpleafe God that we mug put to Sea a- gain(which mercyprevent)itsgood to be acquaintedwith agoodThr- kor.They callfor Righteoufnefe : Thefirfipart oftrue Righteoufries is to deny our own Righteoufneffe,and tofeek,Chrifis. As, prima pars falutis eft nullam videre falutem. Thefecondpart is to acknowledge, andcontendfor theTruth,the wordofRightemtfnes. Solomonbids buy the Truth,hut clothnot tell iu What it mull coft,becaufewe mull get it though it be neverfo dear. ' Multi arnant veritatem lucentem oderunt redarguentem, Avoidlove it bothAining and fcorching. And anotherpart is to deale7uftly, and tofet this Landfreefrom op- prefions. a Meltedart thouLand (faith Solomon)where thy King is theSon ofNobles. The Septuagint reads it,b the fon offree-men. Ilighteoufnefe cloth not onlyfirengthen,but 11Tobilitatea Nation, and inrich it. When the officers are peace, and exatiors ghteoufnefie, then thegold andflyerabounds, Efay . 6o. 17. The workofRighteolifii4e reemes to be 'Divine works , as Au- thority it felfr is a beame ofDivine Majefly; for as the Sun isfaidto be Gods peculiar : Hee maketh His Sunne to rife &c. And the Wind is calledHis : Heecaufeth His wind to blow. Pfal 147. I 8. So is Righteoufenefie alto in a fpeciall manner calledHis.cGive thy iudg- ments into the King, andThy righteoufeneffeunto the Kings Son. 3 P14. * ilquia. en Auguftino. a Ecclef.io b LAstiugeo, c Da judicia: tuasetpi/titian; 0 tuam,Pf.7z.r1. babe: "nudist fuajudicia ey fuam juflitiam. vermin eta ut. quid were Slum eft, magic, opprimatur vim promo- veatar;ergodi. cit Pfal. da id esl da Hat bane gratiam . ut pod apudi to jutlum eft' judicem. 6:44e ut rale; Prin- cipes jufli- A team exeneant, ii eft clonum deia.