The EfifIle Dedicatory. Plat. 72.r. AndifGod leadyour Lordfbips into his owne worke,hee will accompany youWithhis orone firength; you cannot better confult Honour unto your owne families and Happineffe unto this Nation, then by caufing 7uflice and judgment to run dome like mighty firearns into all the Countryes thereof They call for Meekenefp, andfweeteneffe of difpolition : which Ecchr I°. 4, beeinggained, you(hallnot need to leaveyour place, if the fpirit of Nam the Ruler rife up againft you :foryeelding (faith the Englifb) but natal Samtas out - according to the Hebrew, and Montanus his ,tranflation, lenity or Ar.Mon ran fweetneffe pacifieth great offences. None pretend more to good Nature, then our gentry; and indeed I think it is a flower groves much in, their gardens But though Divine nature will bring us to Heaven,meeregoodnature will not. Tis Gofpel Love and Meeke. neffe,which this fermon meanes. The Goel worksr it, and it ho nours the gofilel.The more the gofpel conquers this Nation , the more Love, and Meekenefe (which isfo wanting) will abound. oh, fpread. the Gofpel, and by your meanes let usfee the Angel flying in the nue ofour Heavens, with the EverlaftingGofpel in his hand. This is a worke worthy ofyou. Great menfbould doe Great things, andcount rhemfelves Little; vere magnum eft magna facere & te- ipfum putare nihil. My Lords,Chrifi loath done muchforyou, you mull doe muchfor Chrift. The more youhave in this world,themore grace it is to be of another. For outward things, afford themforce reliquesofyour love; andfo much only as better things leave : for what is to coldfor God, is hot enoughfor thefe things. Toleremus potius prxfentia quam deligamus. why fhould not we give that unto God by an ad of our faith, which he bath given unto us as a fruit of his love? Thus fball you be able tofay inyour lyingdown, as arilft frakeat his death : Father,I have glorified thee on earth, I have finned the worke 0.7. 4) I. which thou gaveft me to doe, and now glorifie me with thine owne felfe. Which that your Honours may doe,fhall be the prayer of f tj Rev. 14. 6. Etifeb. Neit. Your humble and molt unworthy fervant in the Gofpel ofJefus Chrift. WILLIAM BRIDGZ,