in the time of Gods Anger. Meeke,fignifies Afflifted, as well as Meeke, and fo it is often tranflated; for affliaions well ufed are means to meeken us, and to file offthe roughneffe and rugged- neffe of our difpefition : but here it doth note the graceand venueof Meekneffe, which is intrura mode- rativa,that Scripture grace whereby a man path the command and moderation of his Anger, leaving all his revengeunto God himfelfe: for it is the fameword that is ufed after forMeekneffe, which cannot be un- derflood of Affliction, but of the grace and venue of Meekneffe, for that no man is to feeke A ffliEtion. Which havewroght hisyudgemeNt] The word=VC judgement is ufed in Scripture, either for the Com- mandements, Word and Statutes of theLord : Or for that evill which God 'doth bring upon a people in a way of juflice in both thefe relpeds the Meek may be faid to work his judgements, either as obe- dient to the Lords Word, or as Executioners of his Juftice 3 but I take it rather in the firft fence. Sake Righteoufnegel That is the Righteoufneffe of Chrift, juft and righteous dealing between man and ,man: And the truth of God which is called the Word of Righteonfneffe 3 none more fit to leckeju- flice and Righteoufneffe,then thofe that are the meek of the earth. Seek Meekneffe] Yea though they were Meek be.. fore. When Godcalls uponwickedmen, to love and leekhim, (asEflius obferves) he wills them to do '``..62uviturvca tit peipienncLafit that which they didnot before : When he calls Prophat ex- Nrtatio,eurn eo ipfomanpleti fiat,Dontinum jam antea qutit'erint? 'Reg), Ottando itna pis dicitur diligite pominum monentter facere id quad antea non faciebant; quandt"7, autem reeds corde dicitur, , diligiteDomununa monentuvamptees "ea diligentius faccre quad antea faciebant3ita cop; dititto. malls & duris,queriteDominunx,& B 2 'Ora