Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The Saints Hiding-place on godly men to love and leckehim, he wills them to do that more which they haddone before. Its not enough to be habitually godly, but whatever grace we have in the habit, muff be drawn forth into exer- cire, and though we have wrought Judgement,we mutt do it again. We muff not think to exercifc one grace atone, but there mutt be an harmony , mixture , conjuncture of all graces. Some areWife, but not Zealous; fame Zealous, but not Wife : Some pit, but not Meeke, fome Meekeand fweet difpofition'd, but not Righte- ous in execution of juftice.- But there graces mutt be mixt together; and therefore faith the Lord here, seeke Rightcavfneffi, Peek Meekne(e. It may be ye fhall be h'd in the day of the Loa's anger] Ye (hall furely be hidden from the wrath to 9t7iR, Na, come, and it may be from the wrath prefent.. This dubitantis (mdy. be faieslqnirm is not aword ofdoubting,but fed folliciindi- nem exacuentie provoking to more indeavour : it is an halfe-promife. fun. inExo. From all which words ye mayobferve thefe five 32, Notes. 1)0(7, Jr. Fill}, that God bath his dayes of anger, there is wrath andanger with God,whichuponoccafion breaks forth upon theehildrenof men. - 2+ Secondly, that in thefe dayes of Anger, God is very willirg for to, hide, lave, And defend his own people. 3. Thirdly, thoughhebe willing tohide hisown chil- dren in vill times, yet he cloth fometimes leave them at great uncertainties. Fourthly, when Gods anger doh break forthup- on the children of men, and his people at uncertain. tics not knowing wit will become of them5, then and.