in the time ofGods Anger. and then efpecially it is their duty to feekethe Lord, to feeke Righteoufneffe, and to feeke Meekneffe. Fifthly, that ifany men cando any goodiathe e- 5. viii day, 'tis the meekof theearth. Firft, God bath his dayes of anger, there is wrath Doe. and anger withGod. Take Anger properly for a Paflion, and fo there is none with God; ira we fay. is from ire, becaufe when one is angry he goesout of hirnfelf; andwhen he is pacified, he does redireadfeipfum return tohim- felf. Thusit is not inGod : F_ ury is not in me faith the Lord.. Ifye take anger for the effetis, and fruits there- of, fo it is not with Godas his Mercy it,. His mercy isover all his works, even over the works of his An- ger. He is nowhere cal!ed an angry God, but a merciful! God often. ThePialmift !peakingof Gods juftice, and the fruits of his Anger, faith, [lilyfag- pfdi, ments are Ilk the great Mountains : but fp,:>aking of his goodfiefre and mercie, faith, it reacheth unto theclouds : What Mountain cloth fo ? His mercy is for it felfe, he gives that he may give; he loves that he may love and fhewes mer- cy that he may thewmercy but he is not angry that he may be angry. The Lord is angry a.little that he may love for ever, his very anger cloth end in love. AnIttsiaadelive% * EX0d. 4. 4, r 5, 16. v. He if floni,theflorrefi to c`an, Moyfem, ceive a mrath, andready toforgive : hemakes a way to od 414. 101 his anger, but theway tomercy lies alwayesopen. 'clius"dileTtila"tr: in quotra exprimitur? benefieium coonofco, non inignationetn; ecce enim verf. 15. pal/cal:7 ci virus' elo7uentiffimum in focium legationil & bunc in itinere fib; occur/arum; an bac. figna 7ndignationis vel potiue anioris? fed Detaitaliberalii eg ut nefciat cis cumNoire debeat.non beAtefgccre. de Haye: in Exod.4,14, 15,