Opened, andapplied fromCHRISTS Prieftly- Office. 47 Lord Jefus Chrifi does, he does by office, and he does it readily, and willingly. And I will giveyou one demon - ftration of it; It was the end why Jefus Chrifl was taken into Heaven, into the Holy of Holieft , that he might In- tercede. According to the Scriptures mentioned before, inHeb. 9. 24. For Chrift is not entered into holyplaces:wade roith hands, but into Heaven it felf; non' to appear in the preftnce of Godfor 121. He does not fay thus, Chrill is now gone to Heaven, to be glorified there; Gila is now gone toHea- ven, to injoy the bofomeofhis Father, for his own happi- nefs. No, but he is gone into Heaven to appear in there- fence ofGodfor us. This is the end of his afcention. And fo again in the 7. of theHebrews, Where'cre,he is able to five to the uttertnofi, feeing he ever liveth to ma4interceffion for u . What ? is he in=Heaven to be glorified there? No, but the end why Chrift is in Heaven, is to make_ intereellion for poor firmer! : And therefore, he mull needs be infinitlywilling to do this, becaufe it is theend of his going thither, into the Holy ofHoliest. Oh therefore, be ofgood comfort,all you shat do come unto God by him, for he is willing to intercedefor you. And let not any thing difcourage you : It maybe you will complain and fay Oh! but I am much oppofed herein this world. What matter, fo long as Jefus Chrifi does intercede for me in Heaven, and fpeaks good words unto God theFather for me in heaven3what though I beoppofed by men It may be you will complain, and fay, Oh 1 but I am much tempted, and cannot pray. Ee humbled forit; but yet know this,That when you cannot pray, Chrift prayes for you; and he prayes that you may pray. It may beyoucomplain, and fay, Oh ! but I la- bour under fuchand filch corruptions, and the Devil he is bufie with me, exceeding bufie, and I cannot overcome them : and the Devil {lands at myright hand for to tempt me, andto lead me into fuchand fuch fins. Wel, be it fo, yet notwithaancling, the Lord Jefus Chrift, he is at the right handofour Father, andhe is fit down at the right hand ofGod theFather, till all enemies be made his foot- ftool`