Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

6 The Saints Hiding-place Yet there is Anger with him, he hath his dayes of Anger. For as Lepinais faies, Excelleniia iraf_ centis eft caura ira. The excellency of the perfon that is angry, is the calk of Anger; the more excel- lency in a perfon, the fooner he is moved to anger, be- caufe parvipenfio or contempt,is the greateft provo- cation to Anger. Now there is molt Excellency in God, and therefore fin being a contempt of him, he cannot bun bee moved to Anger. Anger is the Dagger that love weares to lave it fell, and to hurt all that wrongs the thing loved : There is love with God, infinite love in God; and therefore there mull needs be Anger too. Yea, there is not only Wrath, but great Wrath with God. His works are like himfelf : if his An- ger fixe on a perfon, it extendeth to all the man, foule and body. Ifone man beangry with another,he may Alia his bodylbut he cannot reach his foul. Gods Anger doth efpccially feize on that part, becaufehe is a Spirit, anddoth reach the fpirits. Yea, his Anger doth not only extend unto all the mm : but as in Heaven , when he pours out his Glory upon men , he doth inlarge and inable the faculty to receive his Mercy, which elfe could not take it in , or {land under it, the weight of glori- * si Deus tare ous Mercy would break the very foule : So, when afpere perelliit parcit, qua' he is Angry, and pours out his wrath upon a perfon, alperepercutiet he in?arges the foul and faculty to receive, and to bear ubifavit ? & quanta deZra. tk"e elione feriet He blocks up all wayes of fuccour and releif' guar rep bat, whenhe is angry, which men cannot do; his own Jr* crtmat , guar amat ? cnitoren cannot beare the ftroakes of his Anger, Grcg.mer4. though theybe firoakes of love; what are they then when