in the time ofGods Anger. when they do come from hatred ? His Anger gives a being to all our angers. What is the wrath of iron , Kings, Princes, or States, but (comparatively) as the claw of the dead Lion? if the Lion be dead, what hurt can his claw do It is the Anger of God that puts life into all our angers. One drop of his wrath diftilled into the foule , is a- ble to b-urfl it. Who knows the power ofhis an- crer: faith the Pfalmifts Ohl 'tis Great, 'tis Infinite, 'tis T.Jafpeakable 'tis Inconceivable : and this Wrath and Anger of his, doth fome times break forth up- on the children of men ; bee bath his dayes of Anger. He hath three houfes that he puts men into. An houfe of Inftruaion : An houfe of Correaion : An houfe of Deftru1ion. If men mend nor in the firt1, they are removed to the fecond : if they mend not in the fecond, they are removed to the third. As the Creditor that lends his mony gratis , bath his three times : His time of =ere love : His time of forbearance and patience after the mony is due : His time of Execution and judgement, after forbearance and patience is tired. So hath God alfo a time when he cloth freely give forth Mercies to the children of men; if they improve them well ; If not, yet then he loth patience with them, and forbearance : But if after long for- bearance they do not mend and turne unto him, then he brings his Judgement, anddoes execution on them. Oh T. there is wrath with God : Godbath his dayes of Anger. Therefore, firft, It is not in it felfe unlawfull to Appli. i. be angry : for God is Angry fometimes. Only your wrath