The Saints Hiding-place wrath and anger mull be in order to Reformation, as God's is. Be angry (faies the Apoille ) but fin net: Let not the sunnego down on your wrath. The beer or drink may be good in the cup over-night, but if it (land all the night it lowers in the cup : So will your anger fowre that bands all night in your hearts, which you lie in. Smoke may be borne whilft it goes up in the Chimney, but if it break out into the houfe, or roome, it is moil offenfive : So is your an- ger too; yet it is not in it felf unlawful! to be an- gry. 2. Secondly , If there be Wrath with God, and great wrath; How infinitely are our foules bound unto jefus Chriff by whom we are delivered from r Cor.5°18 the wrath to come, by whom we are reconciled to God the Father, and made 'friends to him, and be- ing freinds , his very Wrath and Anger is our freind alfo? Aswhen a man is my freind, not only his Power is myfreind, his Love is my freind, his Pur fe is my freind;but his fword is my freind: Sowhen God is my freind , not only his Wifdome is my freind, his Power my freind, and Mercy my freind; but his Wrath and Anger is my freind alfo. Now fuppofe that one of you Mould be much in debt, fo as not able to pay, and being arrefted, and carried away unto prifon, Aman fhould come and pay all your debt , only defiring that youwould lovehim, and now and then gounto the prifon to behold what he had delivered you from : would yeti not do it? Thus it is with Chrifl : you were all indebted and fo deeply that youwere not able topay : Chrift bath paid our debt, and holds forth his empty veines, lay- ing, Behold, thereare the purfes that I have emptied to