Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

in the time-ofGods Anger. to pay your debt : only , I will that you love ine, and look now and then upon the Wrath and Anger from which I have delivered you: fh all wee not then love him ? Oh that our hearts were inflam'd in love unto jefus Chrift. I have read of a certaine. Ivionke that be. ing in a Towne where there was a great fire , and divers of the Houfes and Families el:a- ping , hee ranne up and downe the Towne, fay ing to delivered perfons, Deo grativ .p;o te, Dee gratirs pro me. God bee thanked for 'thee, God be thanked for mee: God be thanked for thee, and God be thanked --for me. Now this King- dome bath Beene all on fire; and wee that are here, as fo many fire-brands puli'd out of Ea- glands burnings : Who may not runne up and downe, laying, God be thanked for the; and God 'be thanked for me ? But what is this fire to the fire of Gods e:ernall wrath and this we are delivered from-by Chrift : Olr! bIefKel be God for Chrifi, for his love in Chrifl. Againe., if there be wrath with God, and great wrath, which after forbaerance breaksforth upon the children of men : Then we fee what -great and jail cattle there is why thole that are in place fhould fend forth godly and 'faithful!. Preachers into all the parts of this Kingdome, that may preach the Gofpel of peace. Every god- ly faithful! ivlinifler, Preacher, is an under-offi- cer to jefus Chrift, a Reconciler : -Wee befeecb yoi in Cbrifts flead, be r,conciled, Ides the Apoftle. Thoufand, and ten thoufand follies in this -King- C dome -3- Cor.5.3.9)to,