I o The: Saints Hiding-place dome that lie under wrath : Oh that God would effectually ftirre up your hearts to fend forthmore. Labourers into this Harveft. The Harveft is great, the Labourers few; but the work is neceffary, for poore ignorant foules to bee delivered frorn, the wrath to come. What though every forma- lity cannot be had now, which you would have at another time? Sure, 'tis neceffary that men and women fhould bee delivered from the wrath to come. *Auguitinus * Melanchtox makes mention of two certaine ad Fortuna- perfons in Aujiins time that were in a:Ship which turn narra t was like to perifh in a ftorme at Sea; the one ve- Ty godly , but yet not Baptized; the other Bapti- Ime continet eruditam .but excommunicated. : there being no other. fp/am-Joy/cm; Chriftian in the fhip with them, and they fearing air enim in they fhould be both caft away , knew not what una nave to doe in that condition : Hee that was not Bapti- f4e q8"-- zed , defired Baptiftne by the hands of him that dam ilium, was Excommunicate; and he that was excommu- fed nondum nicated, defired abfolution from the other; and verum gm:co it was concluded : Whereupon the queftion was moved whether there aswere valid and good. altertem ba- ptiz,atti, qui tamen lapftm etfi tuperatpcenitentiam agere,tamen nondem em rat abfolutus,quod juxta veteres canones irrogabanturpcvnte exempli caula ante abfolutionem. Addit Auguit. pre ter hos neminem ibifuiffe Chriftianit; quum autem naufragium timerent, petit rA7R)4e.ceve- ab illo altero Baptif; ?num; qui cum ifliimpertiiffet baptifing ab eo petit Ablidationern; proinde quaritur an Lee adminifirettioSacramantorum vaisseriaAuguftints retie rellondet valuiffe;.&quidem .hanc hiftoriam tantopere commendat let dicat neminem tenere lachrymal poCe qui eam atidiat.dijpg. P. Melanch.. Lutheri operaToro, 1. 443. Witteberv. .1558.