in the time ofGods Anger. 1.1 iinflin commended theanions. Which I only men- tion to (how what men of judgement think law- full in cafe of neceility. I plead not for the like anion; but now if ever, there is a time of ncceai- ty, when come things may be done which arenot ordinary. Do ye not heare the foules of poore ignorant people crying from feverall Countries, Helpe 0 Parliament, Helpe 0 Nobles, Helpe to deliver us from the wrath to comer And bleffed are thofe perfons that have an hand in Co good a work as this. Secondly, you may obfervc from the words, DoEl. 2.,! that in dayes and times of Cods Anger, he is ex.- c_eeding willing to hide his owne people:there- fore heexhorteth them to the hiding means. Seeke ye the Lord, &c. Come, 0 my people, (faies the Lord by the Prophet .E.fay , Chapter 26.) Entrr into your chansbcrs and Phut the doores about you, hide your (elves till the ,day cf mine indignation bee over- paf . 0 yeirefalern, yerufalon (ales Chriff , fore- feeing the day of Anger that was coming) how often would 1 have gathered your children of an Henne gathereth her chickens ? The Henne doth therefore gather her chickens under her wings, that they may bee hid from danger. Chritt faies, bee would oft have done it How often would LtIke r9. &C? And that it may appeare bee was very willing , the test tells us that hee wept over Ye- rufalens when hee fpake thefe words. Children weept upon all occafions; wire men feldome. It C 2 was