Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

12 in tha, time of Gods Anger. was fome great matter that made Chrift weepe; here Chrift weepes; and why ? but becaufe they would not bee hidden. Yet this people a wicked and an ungodly people. Oh ! How willing is hee then for to hide the Saints ? if bee bee fo willing to hide his owne Children, Objeft. Horn is it that fo waxy of his deare fervants have fallen in thefe late Warn's,: Some fpoiled , wafted in their Oates , fame maimed in their bodies , come kild by sword : if God bee willing to hide his people , why then Jo many expofed to dan- gers ? God will never fell away his people , or their comforts , but for a valuable conlideration. . Nothing of his Children not deare unto him 5 their Lives deare, their Mates deare, their Names deare : bee will have a valuable con- fideration for what ever they lore ; though crtatarra they doe lofe for prefent , yet they doe eft gaxdam,mi- and (hall gaine thereby. * God knowes how nora amittere to deliver from danger by danger , from death rat majoea lu- ererif. by death , from mifery by mifery. Perjipm Parifienf. till pet:ppm. I had beene fpoyled , unlelfe I: had beene fpoyled ; wafted , I had ocbFips beene wafted; undone, unlefe undone; and bona /Baum died, unlefle I had died, may many fay. God abquando non .0 facie valuta- can provide a chamber of prefervation in the faciat belly of deftruaion , as hee did for yonah in arem. the Whales belly : and make the very feries of his people to be a tender Mid- wife to their great happinetTe : Wee don't aiwayes fee the fence, that is. about Job : the Devil!