Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

in the time of Gods Anger. Devil' ftw it , when jobs friends did not. God can , and cloth hide by Cobwebbs. I have read , or heard , of one of our Englifh Souldiers , when wee went againft fame part of Spaine , that when the Spaniards came downe on our men to have cut them all off, crept under the ftaires into a hole there : the Enemie feeking for him , came to the place, and finding a Cobwebbe made over the mouth of the hole where hee lay ; laid; Surely, there are none here , fo went away and the poore man efcaped. God hath many fuck Cobwebbs: and that which we looke upon as a meere Cob- webbe in which is no ftrength or fhelter, God can and loth hide his people by Indeed , much of the Saints prefervation is put into the hand of Angels : and wee reade in the firft of Ezekiel that their hands are under their wings ; that is worke in an unfeene way : yet worke they doe , and beare them up in their armes hiding , pre- ferving , and keeping them by Gods Com- million. God is very willing then exceeding willing to hide his owne people in evill times. Behold a fhelter in the time of a Storme: Appli. Who would not flye to it ? Shall God bee willing to hide us ? And (hail not wee bee willing to bee hidden by him ? I know men will fay , they are willing to bee hidden who is not willing to bee hidden by God ? But pi vlllt , volt media , &c. Hee that