The Saints Hiding-place that wills the end , in fincerity wills the tneanes alfo : And if indeed you bee wil- ling to be hidden by Cod, obleive who thofe are whom God bath hidden , or cloth by promife ingage for to hide, and labour to be like to filch. Era, Thole that hide the Saints of God are lure to be hidden by God. Two forts of eviil times there arc : As in Noahs dayes there were Two flouds : The floud of Pro- phaneffe ' which did firlt drown the world : and the fond of Gods anger in Water. And in our times before the laft floud and de- luge of blond broke out , there was a floud of Superftition and wickedneffe, that had co- vered even the mounraines of this Kingdotne. So in all times. And the fira fond is the :estirillftb7e- Herald of the Second : If a man fhall pro- confecutao, vide al Arke for Gods Children in the day cum °mai a'olo fua,quia dacis of the Firfl Floud ; God will provide an a Deo miffi Arke for him , and his Children in the day plratoresferael of the Second Fl cud. llc 'Ebedmelech hid yerenj ( as the prophecy of t7r qui Deum Jeremy tells us ) in the day of the Kings an- ipfum intra 2 r and therefore God hid him in the day mentis Tux do. mum Peeped- of Gods anger. ter devote re- -R Rahab hid the Spies , and God hid Rabab ceperit ? Hebrews z and her family. 2. As God doth punifh men in their owne kinde ; fo he cloth reward men : both pu- ziflaments , and rewards have the names of -their finnes and graces ingraven in their fore- heads. Our