<0.e in the time ofGods Anger. 5 Our deare brother Yofeph , ( I meane Je- fus Chrift , who is not athamed to be called our brother , as the Apoffle fpeakes ) will bee lure to put our ovine money in our fackes mouth. God will hide every hiding obadiab. Againe , Thofe that keepe the word of Gods patience , have a promife to be hidden by God : Revelations the third, verfe tenne, Be. camp thou haft Dept the word of my patience, therefore I will deliver thee from the houre of temptation , which will come upon all the world , to try them that dwell upon the Earth. The word of Gods patience , I take to bee the Truth which the Saints Inhered for in their time. Sometimes the Saints fuffer for one Truth , and sometimes for another. In the dayes of Luther, the word of Gods patience was , yufhlication by faith alone , and of Free- grace. In the dayes of Qieene Mary, the word of Gods patience was, The Pope is ifntichrifi Bread is not Tranfubjiantiated. Now, faies the Holy Gholl , Becaufe thou hafi kept the word of my Patience, I will kerpe thee &c. Thirdly, Thofe are lure tobe hidden by God in e- vil! times, that fear not the feares ofmenpor fay A confederacy with them that fay A confederacy. There are alwayes confederacies againfl Chrift, his Caufe and his Children : and some out of feare are apt robe drawne into thole confedera- cies. See what God faies in this cafe ,, Ifaiah 8. X2. Bo lee not A (caldera() to all them to whom