Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The Saints Aiding-place whoin thispeolpefhailfay A confederacy; ni therfeet,' ye fear, nor be afraid. v. r 3. Santhfle the LordofHap hinifelfe, and let him beeyour f are, and tt hint below dread. What then? Then at v. 14. .4ndheJball befor Sanctuary; bat for afioneofHumbling, for a rocke of offence to both the houfes of ifraeA for a gin andfor a pare to the inhabitants ofiernfalem. That is, for thole that did fly A confederacy : but as for thole that didnot fay a confederacy, the Lord would bee a San&uary unto them. Again, Thofe are fure to be hidden byGod,that remaine green and :flourifbing in their Religion notwithftanding all thekorchingheats of oppofi- fion that doe fall on them. We read in the ninthof the Revelation,That an Angel opening the bottom- lefre pit,much fmoak afcends,andout of the fmoak came Locufts like Scorpions to deftroy, but they might deltroy no further then their Commiffion reached; and their Commigion extends not to the green things, Vole thefourth; It wascommmded them that they fhould not hurt the graffe of the earth, neither any greene thing, neither any tree. -SDI= that are dried, and withered in their profcffi- on, great profefTors they have been,and :ire nowde- clined and withered5thefe may be hurt in the dayof the Locufts: but whoever remaines green,rnay not be touchr. And the text tells us, That the meeke of the earth (hall bee hidden by God : they have an halfe prornife here, and a whole promife in o- therplaces ofScripture. Where is the.perfon therefore, that is thus. qualified ?