in the time of Gods Anger. 17 'qualified ? You may goe to God, and fay, I confeffe, Lord, I am not worthy tobe hiddenby thee; 'lave fin- ned as others : Yet through thygrace, I, and my family have beene anhidingplace to thy chiidren:I have kept the word ofthy.patience: not fearedmens fear,nor laid a con- federacy with them:I amyet greene inmy profeflion5not fo ftrong as the green tree,but yet green as the graffe, not withered : And I do apply my foul to the wagesofMeek- neffe:NowLordllet mebe hidden in this evill day thatis come upon us. And my beloved, asever youdetire to be hid in theday ofGods Anger,get your fou les in-arked all there promifes, and Scriptures. Thirdly,ye may obferve from the words; That though Doa- 3. God is willing to hide his ownpeople in evill times, yet he Both fometimes leave them at great uncertainties, that they may not knowwhat fhall become ofthem,only with a in/ be, of their falvation. Theyhave more then a may be, for their eternall fal- vation : 1 know that my Redeemcr liveth, faith Job. I am per['waded (faith Paul) that nothing fall feparate nee from the loveofGod,ov. Indeed God fuffers his own children fometimes, to labour under many doubtings and fears a Tel certi- about their eternall falvation. Luther tells us of one, fi,',:ittamieVat, that lived a very gracious and holy life; yet when he came kefionis, non to dye, being filled with doubtings, fame of his friends :erne r qinutir came tohimfaying, Sir,what need yoube troubled ? you tehm.Parii: have livedmolt exatily and gracionfly. True (faith hee) is have indeed in your eye; but the eye ofman and of God differs: Gods judgement is one, and mans judgement a- ,46tiabtnit.pei. nother5and therefore now I dofeare todye.But there is an judicia. "in Infuring-Office fitup in the Gofpel, as to the ventureof r joh.5.13,, our eternities. Thefe things have 1written (faith John) that jiee may k,now thatyeehave eternalllife.Not that ye mayhave eternal! R.