The Saints Hiding,-place eternal life, but that yec may know that yee have it. But as for our temporal and outward falvation, God doth fometimes leavehis people to a may be. So here. And in theficondof yoet,v.r4 . Who kows ifbee will rettirne,and rrpera,and leave a bilk&bindhim? And, Exod,32.3o.Per. adventure (faith mofes).Oaf( make an eitonement foryawfin. God loves to have his people mill to the goodneffe of his nature. Ifyouhave a mans word or promife for akind. neffe,thenyou trufi tohispromife:ifyou have his promife, you Cay,But he is Full, and Rich, and ofa good Nature and therefore I will venture on him.And is there not infi- "ArnV neat; nite fweetneffe *,and goodneffeofnature in God?AsGod h": talent d ea would have us atilt fometimes unto his Promife, fo unto ipfe eft unde a- the goodneffe of his Nature 5 and therefore fometimeshe met, ideb gives but a may be. We are at great uncertainties with whey-anti/is amat quia not God : and when we are left untouncertainties, then we hamorem tam think and fay, I, this is lull, I have been at uncerrainties kocb 5 Vim. God, fometimes praying, and fornetimes not, and Auguft. its fit he fhould be fo with me, that I maybe mindedof mine own fin. Themore uncertain a man is, the more, ifnot inge- nuous, he will fear : and the more a man fears before the Lord, the more he will fly untoGod : Timor nosfeat col- jiliativos. Truely, we are not ingenuous enough towardsGods were we more ingenuous, we fhould improve our Affu- rance unto greater Obedience. Therefore God is fain to rebuke our want of ingenuity, and this incertainty carries a report ofit. But fuppofe it be fo, That in evil times we than nor be able to fay what (hall become ofus,What is our ditty then? 4app. The fourth Doctrine tells us: And fo I come unto that, which is, When