Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

in the time of Gods Anger. 19 When the tokens ofGods Anger are abroad, and his Dorir. 4. people knownot what will become ofthem, but have on- ly a may be for their deliverance, then, and then efpeci- ally, it is their duty for to feek unto God. As themotions of the earth are guided and governed by the motions of the heavens ; and the earths fruitful- neffe depends on the heavens influence : So doe the motions ofour hearts and lives, and all their fruicfu!neffe, depend on the influence of God. When the fcales are even, gold-weight, then is a fit time to put in force grains ofprayer : who knowes but that one prayer then any turn the fcales ? It is the duty ofell the Saints, in dayes ofGods Anger, andUncertain times, to commit their wayes unto God. Ile tell thee (faith jobs friend to him) what I would doe in thy cafe, VetoGodmould !feek, nntoGod tvoald Icom- mit my caufe, Job 5.8. Commit thywayes urto God, and thy Pro.IC. thoughtsfhall be eftaiblifhal, faith Solomon. And indeed , there is no Inch way to eflablifh our thoughts, or Kingdome, as to commit our wayes unto God. Luther bath a notable ftory to this purpofe : There was (faith he) a great conteft between a DukeofSaxony and a Billop of Germany, infomuch as the Duke inten- ded warre againft him ; but before the warre, hee would fend out a Spie, to obferve the Bill-lops aerions and mo- tions 5 and the Spie being returned, Come, (faith the Duke) what is the Bifhop a doing ? Oh Sir ! (faith hee) youmay eafily furprize him, bee lives without feare, idleD doing nothing, making no preparations for ware, No, (raid the Duke;) but whatPaid the Bifhop then ? He faith hee will feed his fiock, preach theword, viathe lick 5 and as for this warre, bee will Mille bell' moles Deo commit- fere hee will commit the whole bulk and weight of the D z warre