in the time of Gods Anger. 19 When the tokens ofGods Anger are abroad, and his Dorir. 4. people knownot what will become ofthem, but have on- ly a may be for their deliverance, then, and then efpeci- ally, it is their duty for to feek unto God. As themotions of the earth are guided and governed by the motions of the heavens ; and the earths fruitful- neffe depends on the heavens influence : So doe the motions ofour hearts and lives, and all their fruicfu!neffe, depend on the influence of God. When the fcales are even, gold-weight, then is a fit time to put in force grains ofprayer : who knowes but that one prayer then any turn the fcales ? It is the duty ofell the Saints, in dayes ofGods Anger, andUncertain times, to commit their wayes unto God. Ile tell thee (faith jobs friend to him) what I would doe in thy cafe, VetoGodmould !feek, nntoGod tvoald Icom- mit my caufe, Job 5.8. Commit thywayes urto God, and thy Pro.IC. thoughtsfhall be eftaiblifhal, faith Solomon. And indeed , there is no Inch way to eflablifh our thoughts, or Kingdome, as to commit our wayes unto God. Luther bath a notable ftory to this purpofe : There was (faith he) a great conteft between a DukeofSaxony and a Billop of Germany, infomuch as the Duke inten- ded warre againft him ; but before the warre, hee would fend out a Spie, to obferve the Bill-lops aerions and mo- tions 5 and the Spie being returned, Come, (faith the Duke) what is the Bifhop a doing ? Oh Sir ! (faith hee) youmay eafily furprize him, bee lives without feare, idleD doing nothing, making no preparations for ware, No, (raid the Duke;) but whatPaid the Bifhop then ? He faith hee will feed his fiock, preach theword, viathe lick 5 and as for this warre, bee will Mille bell' moles Deo commit- fere hee will commit the whole bulk and weight of the D z warre