in the time of Gods Anger. 21 purpofe v.5.. Truhenot in afreind,putt yenot confidence in aguide, Veep thedoors of thy mouthfromher that lieth in thy kofor4.Thefe are treacherous times,and wrathful times. For (faith he verf .6 ,)thefondifhonoureth thefather, the daughter rifeth up againfl her mother, the daughter in law againfl her mother in aw;4 mans enemies are theyofhis own houfe . Here is Anger indeed,much like that ofour times.But what's all this to Godsanger Yes, faies he,verf.9 . I willbear the in- dignationof the Lord, becaufe I have finned againfl him. Where thefe thingsare in this pollute, there is Gods in- dignation. Yon know the Parable in alie. r8. A certainfervant ow- ed his Mafler a thoufand talents, andfail, I will go to my Lord, and fay , Have patiencewithmeandIwillpay thee all, which he did, and his Meerforgave him, Era then hemeets withhisfellow-fervant that owedhim an hundred pence : and when thatfervantfaid the like words untohim, which he had ffok to his Mafler,ke tookhim bythe throat, and calf him into prifon,whichfaies the Parable)hi.s Lord hearingof,was wrath. Beloved, God hash forgiven us thoufand talents: our fel- low-fervants oweus Tome Vier fums, and we cannot for- give them, but take themby the throat; furely our Lord and Mailer cannot but be Angry fill Thirdly, I cannot but think that God is angry wi:h us flill;becaufe the former fins that God hath been punifhing all this whiie,do flill live amongus:live in their principles, live in the fpirit ofthem, live in their praftifes under other names and notions: old fianes walking, up anddownun- der newcloathes. Three great fins there are for which God hathbin con tending with us for divers yeares. I-. Idolatry and Su- perftition. 2. Oppofirion of the Saints, and the power ofgodtincfre, 3- Opprellion, and Injuftice. I know that