Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

22 The SaintsHiding-place that for Oathes,andDrunkenneffeland Adultery the Land hath mourned: But thefe threenamed, are the great Capi- tall fins that God doth ufually dra we out the Sword a- gainft Nations for. Now I appeale toyou: Dothnot IdolatryandSuper- ffi tion live in the principle of it? Give meleave to inftance in one particular : The Superftitious men of the former times, commandedbowing before Altars, at the name of Jefus, and before Bread in the Lords Supper. But I pray, What was the Principle whereby they forced their Super- flitions but this ? I hat God commandeth the Worfhip both of Soul & Body; and it's in thepower ofthe Church todetermin all Circumfiances : Time andPlace are left to theChurch : and therefore when yecome(faid they)at the Table,then ye fhall bow. Not that we command the wor- fhip it feif,that is commandedby God; weonly command the Time. And fo, when ye heare the name Jefusmentioned; and fowhen the Bread comes before you in the Lords Supper. Now thoughour Altars and Grovesbe broaken downe ; doth not this principle !till live too much inour bofornes, That God commandeth theSubflance , and the Circum- fiance is left untomen ? As for Oppofi tion to theSaints,and the power ofgod- line& 5 I confeffe it doth not run in the fame channell as before. Before, prophasemen oppofed the Saints , and oppofed Protectors 5 but now Profeffors (oh ! that I might not fpeake it) oppofeProfefrors. And is this more pleating to God, That Profeffors fhould oppofe Profeffors , then that Profane men timidoppofe them ? As for Oppreffion and I njuftice : What means thole cries out offeveral Countries, andparts of this Kingdom, ofthe Widows and Fatherldrepiveme my husbands wa- ges,