or' in the time of Gods Anger. ges,or ve me my husband again?Oh give me my father a- gain,o1 gi, me my fathers wages? What mean thofe com- plaints offome, of many ; Wehave born theheat of the day and are no more kindlier ufed, or refpetted, then thole that have been the molt enemies? We ventured our whole eftaies in thebeginning ofthis war, for this caufe, andyet we are taxed as heavily as if our eflates were all in our hand3? his rule is good, Peccatum Napo iib ffie- ciaTh' repugsantia interpeccanteen 6. peccatm. The fin is the greater where there is a fpeciall repugnancy between the finand the firmer. Injuftice is naught in all, but wort in a judge, or Court ofjuftice. Darkneffe is terrible, but when it fals upon the veffels oflight (as in the Eclipfe) it is more terrible then thedarkneffe of the night. And is there no Injuftice now in our Courts of Juftice or inour Com- mittees in Town or Country ? I with I might not fay the fame fins live butdifguifed, and clothed in other ha- bits: Before theSaints oppofed under one name, and now under another; I cannot thereforebut fay, God is angry with us ftill, the dayof hisanger is not doae. And is this nothing to you, 0 all you that hear thewordof the Lord this day, that God is angry 11111? When the Lion roars, all the beaftsofthe feild tremble : The wrath of a King isai the roaringofa Lion:What then is the wrath ofGod theKing of Kings? What morecutting word to theheart ofan in- genuous child, then to fay to him, your father is angry ?' Oh ! you that are the childrenofGod, I tell you your Fa- ther is angry,your heavenly Father is angry And as for the uncertainty ofour condition:who knows or can fay,what fhall becomeofus ? Some think the ftvord isdead, others no, but it fleepeth ; finale think the three yeers anda halffor flaying the three Witneffes are over: others think no,that they are yet to corne:Sorne think the war