The Saints Hiding-place war is at an end, others think not. When ever were the peo- ple of God at greater Uncertainties then now they are ? What Aiall we doe in this cafe? dinfw The Text points us unto Three things. *Hat e u Firft, : Seek ye the Lord himfelfe not his goods, but a a ut defiderio his goodneffe 5 not his, but him *. IfaPoore condemned colendra ,e,11 Malefaaor cry loud in theeares of the Judge, though flee Dew lit pi r. Iola ipfe fit meth many fweet appellations, Good my Lord, and the merees : nam like, yet the Judge regards him not ; for (faith theJudge) quip"mid6 thefe arenot out oflove to me but only thus he pleads and colic ut aliud 2 maps qua; cryes, and gives good words for to five. hiinfelf. So faith fum bobcat, God alfo, when we come before him in prayerand falling; stabe um co- lic, fedillud True, this people cry aloud, but it is for themfelves, for quad a[fequi their little ones, their fubffance,their corn, their wine, their cancupartit. 3 Auguft. oyle , it is notfor my Name, andout oflove untome; and fo hee regards it not, though we cry loud, and fall often. Wherefore, Seekye the Lord himfelf, 0 all ye meek of the earth,that have wrought judgement, Peek the Lordhimfelf. Again, would youknow what todoe in the dayofGods Anger, andUncertaintimes? Seek Righteoufneffe. Firft, the RighteoufneffeofChrift : Hee is the Lord our Itighteoufnef e,when the Affyrian treads in the Land, faith the Prophet. Hefhall bringpeace, andmileup[even (hepherds, and eight principal) men (Seven is a note ofperfe6tion) that is, abundance of help. Hee is that shiloh, who fliould give peace when the Scepter thou Id depart from Yadah. He is that Princeofpeace, the great Mediator between a di-. ftanced God andus. When the fea rages, he will fay to it, Be lid ; though the Difciples fay, Lord, card thou not that rveperk:? His wounds are the Cities of refuge. If his an- ger be kindled, yeabut a little,bleffed are allthey that truji inhim : So we read it ; or, as fome better, that betake them[elves un- to him. Is this thereforea day ofGods anger Come,Oh come