Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

in the time ofGods Anger. 5 come unto Jefus Chriit that yee may bee hidden by him. You will fay, Oh ! but I have been a great firmer, a drunkard, a fwearer, unclean, oppofer, fcorner,and a very rebellious wretch. But doth not thePralmifl fay, Hehatk receivedgift, for wen, evenfor the Rebellious alfb:? Not only for linnets, but for rebellious finners;even for the rebellious alfo.Hathhe not made an invitation to all? Doth not the proclamati- on rungeneral!, Ho, every cne that thirflethcome? Hath not he himfelffaid , 'thole that come 'into me, i will in no mire caft ont? Yea,hath henot Etid,Evegfinandblarphemie ( except the .fin againft the holyGhat ) /hall be forgiven unto men? yea, though it bee fuch a fin as boyles upunto blafpherny ? And bathhenot laid, Looke untome from all the endsof the Earth, and be laved? Oh! therefore, what ever yourlives have been, what ever courfeyou have run, come unto Jelin Chrift : Come poor, fin full, vile wretch, come andbe laved for ever. Donot come unto Chrifi that youmay live wickedly; nor think tobefirft holy, that you may come untoChrift;but comeuntoChrill that youmay be holy+Seek the Lord and his righteoufnes in this rerpeEt. pa4er Again, Seek righteoufneP, in oppofition to all in-ju- Beir fticeand oppreflion. IfpriOate men; leek righteoulheffe adPrele‖- in all your dealings. The righteousjult.God, loveth righ- teous dealings. I fMagifIrates; leek righteoulheffe in op- Patrirephrtr pofition to all oppreffion : and ifthe caufe ofthepoor and ft.;ipfi t in haa: ver ba,accellit adme ofChriti come before you, faynot, Coaway,and come a- malieicula,in. gain,when it is in thepower ofyour hand to help them. mean apud te 19 On.4 I 0131,a1C e72 littera:r &trig, tells us of acertainpoor woman that came to Vda,tecloegf,l''' tradidit =lied Thartulampan, ills amine prefe Ile fie refcripfit, his caufa libens efemtnifertui muliercul 'fed nonpott411 ea quadAbjaceat tributis ;Cul rurfui B tfilius its replicavit, fiqrsidemveluntal promptafisit, fed defuiifacultat,iale 01 rabble qu;dem efi;fi autem pacuifli & ealnfii, Chrifno to inordinem inopum rediget;quad quidenz to ipfa evenit na non multo poll imperatorii ha in iliumeaneitatd,in vinculaconjetim eft ; bine vera preces Teri ut inte7114 erfflone Imperatoria clementiain ipfe eonciliet, idqueficfaiittin;Hifix nanque diesfogas eft a vinculii tune venit ad Bafilium è gratio ilia' agent nnolierqflieafrite, defieb facoltatilny duplicate reflitxit pad elebeleo.'! Sar.i.Terne invita ,114,