Opened and appliedfi cmC EIUST s Frietily C the. 49 thought lows to no purpofe for me to go unto Cod : But now I underitand this, 1hat the Lord Jefus Chrift is in Heaven tomake interceflion for all thole that come unto Godby him : Well then, Though I am ignorant, yet will1 I go unto God by Chrift : and though I am but a poor young thing, and fcarce underhand the termes of Religi. ,on ; yet will I go unto God by Chrifi. Oh ! come unto Chrift, comeunto Chrift : Behold here in the Name of the Lord I Band and make invitation to poor Inners; Come poor Drunkard, Swearer, Sabbath-breaker, Un- clean-heart; the Lord Jefus Chrift is in Heaven to make interceflion for all thatcome unto God by him; and will not you come ? Oh! howwill you anfwer is at the great day ? when it flail be faid, The Lord Jefus Chrift made a tender, and offer ofmercy to you, and you would not ac- cept ofit, you would not comeunto him. Here is matter ofgreat Incouragment unto all poor /inners to come unto Jefus Chrift. Again Secondly, The more I apprehend, orfie with a iliritu- al eye, That the Lord Jefus atilt does appear in Heavenforme; the mere am I ingaged to appear upon earth for him. (Mark I pray, that you may fee how this does conduce untoGrace, and Holinefs.) Ah ! (hall the Lord Jefus Chrift appear in Heaven, before Saints, andAngels, and God the Father for my foul ? and Thal I be afraid to appearbefore poor worms for him ? Shall the Lord Jefus Ch rift own me in Heaven ? and than not Iown him upon earth ? Shall the LordJefus Chrift, as the great High-Prieft, take my name, and carry it upon his breaft into the prefence of God the Father ? and (hall not I take the Nameof Chrift, and hold it forth to the world ? Oh! I befeech youconfder, what a mighty ingagemcnt is here, to Rand to and appear for the Lord Chrift, and toown his Caufe in thefe backflicling times; becaufe he is now in Heaven appearing for you, and ma- king interceflion for you. Thirdly, The more Iconfrder, or apprehend-, That the Lord jefas Chrifi 'does /a," out hirnfilfforMe the more am I imaged -k to 3