Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

26 The Saints Hir ling-place Bafil, defiringhim towrite to the Governour of theplace for favour : I am greatly taxed, and I know (faith fhe)that your Lettermaydo rma great cleat of pleafure : he writes; and files he in his Letter, This woman tels me , that my Letter bathweight withyou : if fo, then I pray help her. TheGovernour returns this Anfvver, I would withal' my heart have helped this woman for your fake, but I cannot s The is under filchand filch taxes, I cannot relieveher. Well, (faies Bafil) in his B.eply,siadfit voluntas,&c. Ifyou had a will, and wanted power, it is tolerable : but ifycu had a powgr, and wantedwill, God will bring you into a poor condition. Afterward, through the dif-favour of the Em- perour, thisGovernour was thrown into Priam , and then he fent to Bap to intercede for him, which he did, andaf ter fixdayes he was delivered : and then he comes toBafil, and fliewes twice as much favour to the woman then, as thedefired before. So apt are men inplaee to fay, we can- not help, when they will * not. Take heed of that. And take heed ofdelaying juffice; for 16metimes the very de- layofjuftice, is injiiff ice. Knowwe nor, that thrones are eftablifhedby righteoufnefie? and fo Kingdomes. The 71;dass2.tai»es (faith the Pfalmi ff)fhall bringpeace unto thepeo- ple, and the little hills by righteoufireffe. Oh I therefore, as yon defire that this our Kingdome may be eftablifhed in peace,feeke Eighteokfixfie : and let it come to us by you that are the mounraines and Noblesof This Land : yea, evenby you alfo that are the leffer hills of this Kingdom, feekue the Lordandhis righteatafilele: Righ- teoufneffe, Righteoufneffewecryfor, that the oppreffed may be relieved, the wicked punifliecl and thepoor Saints in all partsof there Kingdoms refrefhed. And if Right& outheffe be out offight,and as it wereLori, yet leek it. Seek Righteoufnefle, inoppofitiop to all injuftice. onefi dicen- &sr vello gaci c tvnpunt NON iCit? Again,