Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

in the time of Gods Anger. Again, Seek tkighteourata in feeking the Truth. The Truthand Gofpel, is called the wordofRighteaufreffe Heb. 5. And in ifaiak 26. The righteousnation are expounded in the fameverfe,to be fuch as dokeep the Truth. When Truth falls in the City,or fireets,Gods anger breaksforth: whenTruth is railed upagain,then God is pacified. Is the Lord angry withusnow, and would you know what to do in this day ofGods Anger ? Seek the Truth,feek Ebigh: teoufneffe in this refpeft. Only in feeking this part ofR.ighteoufneffe, take thefe Rules along withyou : Fir% In feeking theTruth : Do not defpife anyTruth becaufe it is called Old.; nor neglat anyTruth becaufe it is calledNew. It is a fign that men mean to fleep,when they draw theCurtaines about them, and will have nomore light to come in. The Reapers ofthe former Reformati- ons, could not fo bind up all Eares ofCorne into their (heaves; but there will be fome eares left for the poor that come after toglean up. Again, Infeeking the Truth : Be as plain, fincere, open- hearted as ever you can, Veritasflat in aperio camp°. Truth Rands in the open fields(in this fence). Truth knowes no baffles, nohoufes ,no relations. Chrift who is Truth,faid Woman, (not mother) as knowing norelations in matters ofReligion. It was indeed the(peech ofone Heathen; Facitone HOMalOWM ErifiepliM & eroprottnto Chrifriante,s, Make me BifhopofRome, &Plebe prefently a Chriftian. Andnow , many men will know nomoreTruth , then what can grow upon their owne land : Some would have theTruth comedown to them,and to their interefts: fome will bringup their intereft to Truth. Ever let my foule cleave unto thofe that can laydown all their ingagements, relationsand comforts at thefeet ofTruth. E 2 Thirdly.