28 The Saints Hidingplace Thirdly, In feekingTruth, Reft not upon any means 3. though it be never fo great : nor clefpife any means though, it benever fo frnall.sar,atywri minima Deoplacent maxime, God loves the Saints minnums , and delights to, reveal his Truths to thole that are molt unlikely.Thegreat "Muthof the Incarnation, fifit revealed to fhepheards. The great Truth of the Kefiarreetion,firft revealed to mary-a woman. And when Chriff came, and gave the world a talkof his Kingdom, riding upon anAfles colt : the multitude, who, were then countedcurled with the Difciples, cry out, Ho. hh.11.53.with ['anal, and ownehim 5 when at the fame time, the Scribes, 1°h.`2'11. 8` and Pharifeesin Caudell make an orderand decree to ap matc,zra3-9. prehend him. God loves to take thole things,andperfons, that Randbehind, and to bring them before. TheTem- ple is refufed , and the Synagogue is kept. In the Jewes time, when any wereProfelyted, theywere waffled, and Circurncifed : the great Ordinance of Circumcifionwas laid afide, & waffling advanced unto a Sacramentof Bap-- tifme : At the Paffeover, they had their ordinary Supper,, and the Pafchall Lamb : the ufe ofthe Pafchall Lamb laid afide; and Bread and Wine, which was ufed in the ordi nary Supper,exalted to the Sacramentofthe Lords Supper.. Thus God exalts low things, and laies by greater. I fpeak not this,that men fllouldnegled the miniftery : Preachers- lips than, and do prelerve knowledge: but reft not on. manes , though they be never fo learned : defpife not manes, though they be never fo unlearned. Who more Pk/et-Ian/al- defpife.d For want oflearning then theWaldenfes andet feiy: the fi rft bided inftruments ofKeformation. 4. Fourthly , In feeking-Truth , L4o(not togager grapes thornesorfiggson th:fflts :. tofind the Science of Truth upon a Ct ab-cock of Error, or carnal" principles. They writeof the Partridge, that ifone Hen lay the eg, and