in the time ofGods Anger. andanother hatch thebird, it will return to the true mother when its well grown. And this faith Drttfita,camiw,yerame, is the meaning of that in 'Jeremy 17.11. As the Partridgefit- tetb on egs,andhatcheth them not : fo he that getteth riches and not by right,thailleavothen; in the midfl his dayes,attdat his end pallhe afool. But thiwe know certainly,,, that though an Hen fit on a Ravens eg,yet when the young Raven isharcht, and the wings well grown, it will fly away and leave the Hen in the-lurch. So will all carnall Principles deal by fpi= rxPhilofopho= ritual" Truths. Oh therefore let not any Gofpel-truth be or intim.P1;in"i4,0iis planted on a Legall-principle; net a Spiritual' Truth on a aLmattjet;e3j;:t. Carnall or meer Phitofophicall Principle not a Truth of nes hxrefes ex P hitafophown Chrift on an Antichriftian Principle. regull4 can- And Fifthly, In feeking theTruth, doe not fo hold the tiltvredaqczot greater, as to neglea the Idler doe not 1.6 feek the lefferTmaftig t& as-roforget the greater.. Indeed , no-truth of the Gofpel volare age:NI purchafed by Chriffs, blond is fmall or little, though corn, faftt,fedemfi:7 paratively with others it mayhe called fo. nst7epri:Aeeigtil 1,10e, And here I cannot but fay,I haveken a fore evill under the fun, Men lofing their Religion,in feeking for Religion lofing the power of Religion, in feeking for-the due Form: Others lofing theright Form and-Circumffantialls, in raft- ing upon Fundamentals : We have enough to bring us, to minim bons heaven, what need we-more fay forne. Would you there- e v' metier ford fo 'leek the Truthas you may find it ?do nntforgetyour '47b7ivcuipi", old acquaintance, thofe great and precious Truths which nonefieri 91e- nura you in the cradleofyour godlineffe : the greatTruths /el 7;bio410. 444' ofChrift, thepower oigodlineffe, and humiliation for fin committed. And take heed that you doe not look.awry, or calla proud look on fmall Truths, yea,. though ftran- gers ; for Rime have entertained Angels by receiving thofe ftrangers. Every Truth is a ftranger at the firft : What Truthwas ever received but was firaopp.ofed atilt and , his