Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The Saints Hidingplace his Gofpel is firft a little ftone,then a great ftone,then break- ing the Mountains, then filling the world. Hold therefore your old fundamentall Truths, yet fo as you may raife your buildings : Seek your buildings, yet foal you may keep foundation,.Thus feek the Trutli,Ehispart ofRighteoufnes. And in theThird place, If you would know what to doe in the dayofGods anger, fo as to be hidden, Seek Meeknefle : Righteoufheffe and Meekneffe. And fo I come unto the Fifthand WI Do6frine. That ifany man candoe any good in the dayof Gods Anger, either for himfelfor others, it is themeekeft&earth. Therefore theTextcalls on themZipecially for to feek the Lord. TheMeekofall othermen have the prornife oftheearth; The meckfhall inherne the earth. This promife,or fpring,rifes in the OldTeftament, the headofit is there, and runs down into theNew, B/efedare the meek, for they /hall inherite the earth,Mat.5. It feems this intaile was not cut off by the comingof Jefus Chrift. TheMeekofall other men doe molt honour Chrikthe way of Chrifl,and the Gorpel : The Heathens had this no- Ruoniam n o vitia Lion n amongit them, (as *Ladantins reports) that theway ,nor jait4ri to honour their gods, was to be like to them : And q there- g tabjbrerunt fore come would bewicked, counting it a difhonour to pletatemeex- their god to be unlike to him. I am fure we have a meek and probrare7tegi fweet difpolition'd Saviour; Learn °fine, (faith he)for (foul) fcelus iderentur. ammeek andlon,1y. A Phyfician and Surgeon,whoashe hath Laetan, a quickeye, fo a mild heart, and a tender hand. Themore meek a man is,the more he is like to him, andhonours him. VVhat Pies the world.: I,there is a man ofan humble,qui- er,and fweet difpofition; if all Profeffors were fuch, then I would become one too. 3. Ameek perfon leaVys his.caufe to God, and hisrevenge to