Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

in the time of Gods Anger. to him : is led by the handofGod, wanfitetils gss2fi mann' affinets : and when men do, and are to God comes in quickly for their relief4a,ron and -44Ham role up againft Mafcs,Mofis is filent, carries iv meekly , and the text flies, Arumb,,r 2 . 'Then Godarofr, and rt, as veryangry : and the rea- fon is given, becaufe Mores was the tneekeft man. A meek man is ruble& toGod in all conditions : gives uphis mat- ters to him,& foGod rakes hinafelfingaged for his fuccour. Again, The meek perlon above all others, is molt fit for the Service ofGod. If I would convey a reproof, or a re- prehenfion into the heart ofa man; a meeke and fweet difpofition is the moil fit for to do it with. III would convey a Comfort or Confolation into a mans heart ; a meek dirpofition is moil fit for that. Chriff gave theGof- pel,andhe was meek:Mcfil gave theLaw,,& he the meek- eft man upon earth in his time. So that whether Law2 or Gofpel,it is belt handed into the heart by meeknes. I may with a loft breath blow a feather further then with flrength of arm I can throw it. God loves thole that are like hirrirelf. The HolyGhoficompar'd co a Dove. Chria called a Lamb. The Father , love it felf, in the abltraet Nowonder then,that a meek perfon,being fo like toGod, bath fogreat an interefl,and credit in heaven. And ifthefe thingsbe fo ; How little is this poor Nati- on&Kingdom beholding to thole that areof a froward, ha rfh, and nerverfe Spirit: they di flurbe their owne fouls, theydiflurb their own families, they difturb the place, and Kingdomwhere they live. Ilameek perfbn (hall be hid in thedayof Gods anger; Oh I where will you appear that are ofa froward temper? I fay, where will you appear in the evil! day ? Bear the word of Exhortation. Tis only to get a fweet & loving difpofition : ah ! that oar love might tiou, lib at laft and abound towards one another,and toall theSaints. Hereby v. aq dppli.