The Saints Hiding-place Hereby (even your meekneffe ) ye walk as becometh the Gofpel. Yee inherit the earth. Are made like unto jefus Chriff. Ravea great power and credit in heaven for your felves and others. Shall behidden in the evill day. And therefore, ifany here that areofa froward, and perverfe difpofition 5 go toGod and fay, Lord , give me meeknefie , and wherein I have been froward , eitherin my family, or elfewhere, forgive me this frowardnefle and let not the Kingdom fare the worfe by it. It maybe you will fay, Oh ! but he, or he, or he bath muchprovoked me, and I cannot beare it. But fuppofe that youhave aball ofGold in your hand, and another throwdirt in your face, will youthrow away that golden ball at him, becaufe of the dirt that hedoth throw on you ? This meekneffe, fweet difpofition,is your ball ofgold : andwhat though he throwdirt in yourface? youmuff wafh the dirt offhis feet : Chrift did fo wafh'd his Difciples feet. And for our example; Dithercalls up. on Magiftrates,Minifters,and all people, to tuck up their fleeves, and to fall a wafflingofthe Difciples feet, by a lo- ving and fweet fubmittingofour excellencies unto their infirmities. But Lord ! how contrary are we unto Chrift ? flee *afht his Difciples feet; we throw dirt in Difciples faces Oh ! that thisguilt may not cleave to our fouls inour dy- ingday. Ifthis day we could but 'land upand forgive one another, and learn meeknefte, and fweetneffe towardsone another , it wouldprevaile more with God then all our fifting and prayer: andwithout it,all our failingand pray- er is ofno availe. But myExhortation is unto you efpecially that are the meeke of the earth. Ye hear what intereft,power,and cre- ditye have inheaven Seeing ye have fo great an intereft, Away,