in the time ofGods Anger. Away, away to your Fathers knee, and for poore Englands fake improve your inter& and for Irelands, Scoilands Eike hold not your peace : Your deare and tender Father will bid your prayers welcome. Take a profpeft of our fad condition: Doeye not hear how inlandcryes, Help,help, O living England, help poor dying Ireland? Doe ye not hear how our affliCed, plundered, and fpoiled brethren in other parts of this Kingdome cry, Have pity, have pity upon us, 0 all our friends, for the hand of the Lord hath toucht us e: How thepoor ignorant cry out of the Coun- tryes,Oh! help to deliver us from thewrath to come?How this whole flaggering Nation cryes, If ever you helpe, helpe now; ifyou have an Intereft inHeaven, ufe it now Now therefore, according to all your ingagements here, andyour intereft inheaven, goe, pray, cry, and ceafe nor, ou may doemuch, you (hall doe much : for if any man in the earth can doe any good, it is the Meeke of the earth. Wherefore, 0 all you that are the Meeke of the earth, I be- feech you improve your Interetl, Seekeye the Lord: and not only this day, but all your dayes, Seeke righteoafieffe, fieke Meekeneffe. : it may be you and others by you Atli be hidden in the dayofthe Lords ar. ger . 33