The:great Gofpel-Myflery of theSaints comfortand holinefl: to lay out my felfe for him. The Scripture faies, He ever liveth to make. interceffion foryou. He laies out his whole-E- ternity for you. Me thinks we have here before us, the greateil argument in the world.for to make us to walke clofely with God In Chrift :.For, shall the Lord Jefus Christ, fpendof his Eternity for me ? and than not I fpend of mywhole time for him ? He Ever liveth : heEver liveth to make interceffion. Before theworldwas made, hisde- light waslathe habitable parts of the _earth, among the children of men. Helaid.out himfelfin delighting upon you before the world was made. Well, in due time, he comes down into the world:; and here:while he was upon theearth, he laid out himfelffully for you. Then he Dies, and goes up toHeaven, and (faies he) Igo toprepare a place foryou. Hewas,at work for you, before the world began ; Then hecomes down upon the earth, and here he fpends all his time for you : Andnow that he is gone toHeaven ; the text faith, He ever liveth to make interceffion for you he fpends offall his eternity for you. Oh ! does not the Lord Jefus grutch me Eternity, to fpend offhis Eternity for my foul ? and than I grutch theLord Jefus Chrift a little,time to fpend a little time,for him ? Surely, people don't thini. what Chrift is doing in Heaven for them, (you that are Saints efpecially) if you did, you couldnot be padling in the world fo much. Shall the Lord Jefus Chrift be ap- pearingla Heaven for me?. and than I bedigging in the world ? Shall hebe making mention ofmyname unto God the Father, and interceding for me ? and shall I be finning againft him? (hall I be contendingwith his children? 114111 I now bejoyning with his Enemies? -fhall I beoppofing his wales ? Oh ! ifpeoplewould but think, what theLord jefusChrift isdoinginheaven for them, they could not re bel fo in the world againft him as they do. Wherefore, that you, may be kept from your fins, & kept &tithe worldi think of therethings. TheApoffle fain, lbefe thingshave, I writtenuntoye ,thatye finetot-: and ifanymanfirl,wehave an Advocate_oith the ather3 lefus Chriji the righteous. And fo fay;: