Page Meek 'Week men domuch good in the earth andwhy L. 30 Mercy Diference between Gods Mercy and his anger L. 5 Mercy fee Temptation My fiery Myfleries that are in felf -deni- al 57 Monument Monuments of praife ergled and why C. 13 Morral Difference in Pelf-denial be- tween morral men and Chri- Pans 55 Mortification Whence mortification comes 33 Motion All motion comer from life 9 N Nation, fee Wrath Nature, fee Faith Natural, fee Perfe&ion Notion 'Under what Notion the Lord looks vpon the fins of the Saints 13 0 Cbedience Obedience whence it comes 24 Page Objections againft the finalnel? ofobedience anfwered 42 Obfervations Waking obfervations for flee- pingpeople C. 20 Oppreflion Oppreflion and injuf ice reign fill turbid- kingdo-n L. 22 Ordinances' How Ordinances are needful 100 Original What the Original of all ours holineft it 28 P Papifis How Papitts deny themfelver 55 People Why godly people are expofed to danger L. 12 Gods people are often left at great incertainties L. 16 Why Gods people are fo often left at incertainties L. 18 Perfe&ion There is fome natural perfefti- on Pill lep in man from the fall 9 Pleafant The pleafant lives ofthe Saints 12 Prayers The Saints may have noprefentl anfwer oftheir prayrs 204 The