.4+94000....4444004.14 To theRedder. Good Reader, H E ?eras fay, That there is not the leaf letter of the T Word,upon which huge mountains donot hang.Luther faith,That one tittle Ofthe Word, isgreater the heaven earth. But our Lord and Savior Jefus Chrift taith, That Heaven and Earth 'halpafs away, but my WordsThal not parr away. Shal we then itand fill, behold, and fee the Ordinances of Chrill wrefted from us, and not bear witneffe againfl it ? Upon this account ( though the intreaties of divers friends have been very preffing ) I am not unwilling that this Sermon concer- ning Ordinances be brought into publike view. You may reade in the Scripture,That in the times next be- fore Chrift and his glorious coming, Profeffors Thal not keep theirGarments, which theywere ufed to wear with honour ; Therefore faith our Savior, Bleffed is he that Watcheth,and Ieee- peth his Garments, left he walk naked and theyfee hisfbame, Rev. '6.15. When (hal this be ? in the time of the pouring out of the 6th vial which is immediatly before thecoming ofChrift, for he faith,then,Eehold I come as aThief;blefled is he that wat- cheth, &c. In ildat-24.it is faid,Immediatly after the tribulation ofthofe days, foal appear the fign of the Son ofman. verf 29, 3 0. What days are thofe ? Even the days whenmen that fay of Chrift,Beboldhe is in the defert,beholdhe is in-thefecret chamber, v.26.Gone from the publick Ordinances, only to be enjoyed in private : Who Thal thofe be that Thal fay thus ? fuch as would fain be reputed Prophets, fuch, as have had a hand in the great works of God in thofe times, and fuch as have been great and high Profeffors; for faith our Savior,ThereJbalarife falfe Chrifts,andfalfe Prophets,and lbal fbeWgreatfigns ci7 Won- ders,info muchas(ifit be poilible)they Thal deceive the very eleH, v.24.But when fhal thefe things benmmediatly before-Chrifts coming,v.29.for faith he, Verily this generation (that is the ge- A 2 nera tion