the:kEylE) neration on which he fpake of,not which he fpake to)Thal not pats til al thefe things' e fulfilled that irnmediatlyioefore the glorious coming of Chrift, menalai depart from, and caft a- way the precious Ordinances of jefus Chrift; which is as wel grief, as comfort,to us Grief, That there fhouidbe Inch de- clinings ; Comfort,That our Lord is at hand. Thisdeclining is an ill fin ; buta gOodfigni as an ill fin; it's grief;. as a good fign of Chrifts coming.,fo it's comfort. And if our Lord & Sa- vior be at hand,even at the door,WhoWould not Watch and kcep, sioz garments?Shal we not watch with him one hour?The fcope ,and driftof this Sermon,is, To cal upOn yoursand mine own :foul towatch. Wherein is proved, both in the general,That Ordinances;and in particular,Thatfuch and fuchOrdinances ought tobe ftil continued, & that New-Teftamentbeleevers are nil to live under the fame ; not that they fhould not live beyond them, in the ufe of them; for in the way of Nature, -e.areto ufe our daily'bread though we do live beyond it. living under an Ordinance,as Chrifts appointment, & living beyond it, in regard of Divine enjoyment are not repugnant; but that beleevers fhould fo live beyond the Ordinances, as that they are not bound to the ufe thereof, is the thing which 'this Sermon lies againft. I have not fpoken of the Lords day herein; there are divers Treaties abroad which do prove that an Ordinanceof Chrift to be ftil continued,and the cleering and proving thereof, re- quires more time then an hour or two in Preaching would admit. Neither have I fpoken much unto that ObjeCtion,viz. That all the Ordinances ofChrifl do hang upon the illiniftry, and there can be no Miniftery now, bacaufe thofe extraordinary Gifts ofThe holy Ghoft are wanting : For the Queftion before me was not,wkether the Ordinances may, or can poffibly continue, but Whether they ought to continue ? Yet as to that ObjeCtion, I ad, Ifyou look into that r Epift. to Tim. c. I. v. 3. where the A.- poffle Paul cloth fet down the Qualifications of one who kfit to be a Minzfier ofthe Goil)el, ye Thai not find one word decla- ring that thole extraordinary Gifts of the holy Ghoft, are a- ! nypart of the Effential Qualificationof an Elder, or Bifhop the,